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differential pricing中文是什么意思

用"differential pricing"造句"differential pricing"怎么读"differential pricing" in a sentence


  • 差别等级计价
  • 差异化定价
  • 差异价格政策


  • Preliminary discussion on the differential pricing in the power market of our country
  • This thesis studies the differential pricing problem of air passenger transport
  • Theory and case study of differential pricing for network competitive intelligence goods
  • It will also enable differential pricing to reflect different degrees of risk taken by banks in extending loans
  • Furthmore , a lot of tasks that influence pricing are not paid enough attention to , so differential pricing is not scientific and canonical , and the effect is not so ideal
  • To help departments achieve this , we will introduce differential pricing where applicable , i . e . to introduce a lower price for e - services to reflect the lower handling costs involved ; or other service advantages for e - services
  • To help departments achieve this , we will introduce differential pricing where applicable , i . e . to introduce a lower price for e - services to reflect the lower handling costs involved ; or other service advantages for e - services
  • Consideration of a few of the proposals and their implementation details is still in progress , notably deposit insurance and the sharing of information that will enhance efficiency , including the possibility of the wider use of risk related differential pricing , in the extension of credit
  • With positive consumer credit data sharing , the banks would be in a position to introduce differential pricing on the basis of credit quality . as a consequence , those with good credit , who are in the majority , will benefit , possibly through more favourable terms for borrowing and for the use of banking services
  • This price difference is largely due to the lack of generic competition in the second - line market : there are presently no generic versions of tfv and only one generic version of lpv r . there are generic versions of enterocoated ddi , but they are not available in south africa and many other countries . the manufacturer bristol - myers squibb has refused to include enterocoated ddi in its differential pricing policy , making the drug much more expensive
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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